There is a Binary, Large Binary, ST_Point or ST_Geomentry datatype column in Datasphere local table and while previewing it shows "Cannot be shown"
SAP Datasphere
This is a documented restrictions. Please see Viewing or Previewing Data in Data Builder Object . Check this part of the documentation
- If a column has Binary, Large Binary, ST_Point, and ST_Geometry set as data type, the data viewer is unavailable and records are shown as Cannot be shown. If no data can be found, the data viewer shows it as NULL.
The column will work with reports without any issue. This is just a limitation in the data preview.
See Also
Preview, BINARY, Cannot be shown, datasphere, raw , KBA , DS-MD-VIW , Views , DS-DI-DF , Data Flows , Problem
SAP Datasphere 1.0