The Pay button is greyed out for a VAT Return for GB - United Kingdom.
Remark: UK Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT is scoped.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Tax Management work center.
- Go to the VAT Returns view.
- Find Tax Return ID XXX (XXX is the Tax Return ID), with Tax Return Status Reported, and notice that Pay button is greyed out (even though the Tax Return is relevant for payment).
Until 2018, tax return for GB - United Kingdom was electronically submission configured. As of April, 2019, the UK Making Tax Digital (MTD) became mandatory for businesses with turnover above the VAT threshold (£85,000).
The Electronic Submission indicator was used to activate the file generation functionality that existed before HMRC introduced MTD (Making Tax Digital). Post MTD introduction, the same should not be used. Activating the same while having MTD configured in the system confuses the system on the submission choice that has been made and Pay button remains disabled as the system is unable to understand whether the return has been successfully submitted or not.
For the Reporting Company of Tax Return ID XXX, both Electronic Submission and MTD are active, hence the Pay button is greyed out.
The general guidance is to use only one of the submission mode, and since file medium is no longer supported, only MTD should be scoped in the system and Electronic Submission indicator should always be off.
The Electronic Submission indicator should be removed from the respective Tax Authority -> Company Tax Arrangement -> Tax Return Arrangement.
After removing the indicator, the Pay button becomes available again.
UK MTD; tax return; vat return; pay button , KBA , SRD-FIN-GLO-TAX , GLO - Tax Declaration , How To