You have created a custom CDS view using the Custom CDS views app and you want to use it as data source for a report or KPI in "Manage KPIs and Reports" app.
Reproducing the Issue
- Access "Custom CDS Views" app.
- Create a custom CDS view (standard scenario): YY1_STDVIEW.
- Access "Manage KPIs and Reports" app.
- Create a KPI /Report.
- Click on Define Data.
- The custom CDS view YY1_STDVIEW is not available in the value help.
- Access "Custom CDS Views" app.
- Create a custom CDS view (external API scenario): YY1_EXTAPIVIEW.
- Access "Manage KPIs and Reports" app.
- Create a KPI/Report.
- The custom CDS view YY1_EXTAPIVIEW is available in the value help but the entity set cannot be selected.
It is only possible to create KPIs and Reports in "Manage KPIs and Reports" app with a standard data source or a custom data source that has a OData service(@OData.publish: true) and analytics(@Analytics.query: true) properties enabled.
The only supported custom data sources are the ones created with Custom Analytical Queries app.
See Also
custom cds view, manage kpis and reports, kpis, report, multidimensional report, query, analytical report list, cloud, s/4hana cloud , KBA , CA-GTF-SB-S4H-DT , SAP Smart Business S4H - Design Time , CA-GTF-SB-S4H , Smart Business for S4HANA , CA-GTF-SB-S4H-REP-DT , Report Modeler in S/4HANA , BC-SRV-APS-EXT-AQD , Fiori based Query Designer , Problem