SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3471529 - Custom CDS view not available in App " Manage KPIs and Reports" - SAP S/4HANA Cloud


You have created a custom CDS view using the Custom CDS views app and you want to use it as data source for a report or KPI in "Manage KPIs and Reports" app.



Reproducing the Issue

  1. Access "Custom CDS Views" app.
  2. Create a custom CDS view (standard scenario): YY1_STDVIEW.
  3. Access "Manage KPIs and Reports" app.
  4. Create a KPI /Report.
  5. Click on Define Data.
  6. The custom CDS view YY1_STDVIEW is not available in the value help.

  1. Access "Custom CDS Views" app.
  2. Create a custom CDS view (external API scenario): YY1_EXTAPIVIEW.
  3. Access "Manage KPIs and Reports" app.
  4. Create a KPI/Report.
  5. The custom CDS view YY1_EXTAPIVIEW is available in the value help but the entity set cannot be selected.


It is only possible to create KPIs and Reports in "Manage KPIs and Reports" app with a standard data source or a custom data source that has a OData service(@OData.publish: true) and analytics(@Analytics.query: true) properties enabled.

The only supported custom data sources are the ones created with Custom Analytical Queries app.

See Also

Manage KPIs and Reports | SAP Help Portal

Custom Analytical Queries | SAP Help Portal


custom cds view, manage kpis and reports, kpis, report, multidimensional report, query, analytical report list, cloud, s/4hana cloud , KBA , CA-GTF-SB-S4H-DT , SAP Smart Business S4H - Design Time , CA-GTF-SB-S4H , Smart Business for S4HANA , CA-GTF-SB-S4H-REP-DT , Report Modeler in S/4HANA , BC-SRV-APS-EXT-AQD , Fiori based Query Designer , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions