SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3475290 - Image in signature is not showing up in the email


  • You have created added an image to your email signature template
  • When sending emails and using the defined signature email template, the image is broken


  • SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0
  • SAP Sales Cloud Version 2 1.0

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create and Email Template of type Signature.
  2. Open a case and click on the Email icon to send an email
  3. Use the Signature Template option and select the designed template
  4. Send the Email.


  • Some images could be blocked by CSP (Content Security Policy)
  • 3rd party issue
  • 403 Forbidden error from the server hosting the image
  • Same origin policy at the server side is blocking access to display the image


  1. Open Service Cloud V2 and launch the Developer tool (F12 or Ctrl+Alt+I).
  2. Go to the Network tab and filter by the name of the asset/image loading.
  3. At this point, you should see the name of the image. If it appears in red, click it and check the error:
    • 401 Error:
      • The image has access restrictions due to missing authorization.
      • Check with your network team to understand why authorization is required.
    • 403 Error:
      • Access to view the image is forbidden and not allowed.
      • Check with your network team to ensure the same-origin policy can be disabled.
        • Removing the strict-origin-when-cross-origin policy at the server side involves adjusting the response headers sent by the server to allow cross-origin requests.
        • This typically involves configuring the server to send appropriate CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers. 
          1. Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header: Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to specify which origins are allowed to access the resource. You can set it to * to allow access from any origin, or specify specific origins.

          2. Access-Control-Allow-Methods Header: If your resource accepts requests using methods other than GET (such as POST, PUT, DELETE), you need to include the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header to specify which methods are allowed.

          3. Access-Control-Allow-Headers Header: If your requests include custom headers, you need to include the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header to specify which headers are allowed.

          4. Access-Control-Allow-Credentials Header: If your requests include credentials such as cookies or HTTP authentication, you need to include the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header and set it to true.

          5. Handling Preflight Requests: For non-simple requests (requests that use methods other than GET, HEAD, or POST, or that include custom headers), browsers may first send a preflight OPTIONS request to determine if the actual request is safe to send. You need to handle these preflight requests and respond with appropriate CORS headers.

          6. Server Configuration: Depending on your server environment (such as Apache, Nginx, or others), you may need to adjust server configuration files to add the necessary CORS headers. This typically involves adding configurations to enable CORS support for specific paths or resources.

          By adjusting the server to include these CORS headers in its responses, you can remove the strict-origin-when-cross-origin policy and allow cross-origin requests to access your resources.

    • 404 Error:
      • The image is no longer available in the same folder/path.
      • Check with your server administrator to place the image in the correct directory/folder/location so it can be found.
  • If no such errors exists, then the issue could be due to the Content Security Policy blocking the image.
    • To resolve such case, the administrator must add the domain where the image is store to the SCP settings. 
    • Check KBA 3467182 - Images are not Displayed in Template


Service Cloud V2, Developer tool, image loading error, Network tab, asset loading, error 401, error 403, error 404, access restrictions, missing authorization, forbidden access, same-origin policy, image not found, correct directory, server administrator, network team , KBA , CEC-CRM-EML , Emails for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , Problem


SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0