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3475855 - Party validation error: {code: "WrongOrgUnitFunction" text: "ABC has the wrong organizational function. Please check the configuration." target: "/party/undefined" severity: ERROR lifetime: STATE }


Party validation error: {code: "WrongOrgUnitFunction" text: "ABC has the wrong organizational function. Please check the configuration." target: "/party/undefined" severity: ERROR lifetime: STATE } where ABC is an organizational unit ID.



  • SAP Sales Cloud Version 2
  • SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2


SAP Sales Cloud Version 2 all versions ; SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 all versions ; SAP Service Cloud Version 2 all versions


Sales Organization, Sales Org, Sales Unit, Error, Party validation error: {code: "WrongOrgUnitFunction" text: "ABC has the wrong organizational function. Please check the configuration." target: "/party/undefined" severity: ERROR lifetime: STATE }, Create, Lead, Validation, Party , KBA , CEC-CRM-PAP , Party Processing for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , Problem

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