SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3477917 - Can't deploy multiple products at the same time due to script history size


When attempting to deploy multiple products, it can be seen that, due to script file size it is not possible to send more than a few products.



Reproducing the Issue

  1. On Deploy / Send Package, create a package containing products and their scripts
  2. Due to Products Script History it cannot be added more than 2~3 products to the package.


Expected Behavior


  • If it is required to send multiple products and task becomes too much time consuming, as it will be required to create multiple packages, it can be opened a case requesting Script History to be deleted
  • Query will delete all script history and keep only the last active version
  • When case is logged, it must be sent explicit approval with environment details where query must be applied
  • Vote for feature, to be able to delete script history,  to be delivered in future CPQ Releases in Influence Portal (link can be found in "See Also" section).

See Also


Script History, Deploy / Send Changes, Package, Size Limit, Enhancement Request, CPQ , KBA , CEC-SAL-CPQ , Sales Cloud CPQ , Bug Filed


SAP CPQ 2023