Under "EWM Inspection" screen in QA11 transaction, you post a partial decision for a 17-origin document. After setting the UD code, clicking to trigger the follow-up action and saving the data, you can see the stock is updated on EWM side but no movement is triggered on ERP. There are no stuck queues for DLW or EWMSGM either.
- SAP S/4HANA 2020 (S4CORE 105);
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM);
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Quality Management (SCM-EWM-QM);
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Delivery Processing Document Flow (SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-DFP);
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Interface ERP Goods Movement (SCM-EWM-IF-ERP-GM);
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Warehouse Task Confirmation/Cancellation (SCM-EWM-WOP-BF-CC).
MB51; /SCWM/PRDI; /SCWM/MON; SMQ2; MKPF; Material Document; MMBE; QA03; QA13; DocFlow; DocumentFlow; /SCWM/REFDOC_SAVE; RDOCCAT; QDOCCAT; API_WAREHOUSE_ORDER_TASK; Synchronous Posting; SyncGM; /SCWM/ERP_STOCKCHECK, /LIME/COLL_W2IM, /SCWM/MESSAGELOG, Transfer Posting; /SCWM/TO_CREATE_WHR;/SCWM/TO_CREATE. , KBA , SCM-EWM-QM , Quality Management , SCM-EWM-IF-ERP-GM , Interface ERP Goods Movement , SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-DFP , Document Flow , SCM-EWM-WOP-BF-CC , Confirmation/Cancellation , Bug Filed
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