- A task calling a WebService SOAP ERP in CI-DS presents erratic behavior. It fails with a "Bad system message" or "There is no response for the web service" error message, or runs for an extended period of time.
- The task may fail constantly, randomly, or complete successfully but with poor performance.
- The task does not contain an XML Batch query transform.
SAP Cloud Integration for data services
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
CI-DS, cloud integration, soap, rest, webservice, there is no response for the web service, bad system message, xml, xml batch, batch, xmlbatch, performance, stability, erp , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , LOD-HCI-DS-AGNT , On-Premise Agent, Connectivity, Task Run errors , LOD-HCI-DS-CLD , Cloud Server, UI, Task Promotion, Web Services , Problem
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