Symptom 1: When we are logged into the instance with a user that has locale language set to EN_UK then run a story reports, no texts are returned for Picklist label field even after correct permissions are provided, changing the user's Bizx language to English US - EN_US, the texts will appear.
Symptom 2: MDF picklist field displays Numeric value in Query Designer filter instead of label in one/few of the translation.
- SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite
- Analytics & Reporting (Ad Hoc, YouCalc, ORD)
- Stories in People Analytics
- Query Designer - Filter, Calculated Column, Params
- Stories in People Analytics
- Analytics & Reporting (Ad Hoc, YouCalc, ORD)
Locale, MDF Picklist, numerical, ID, code, Label, text, People analytics story, Manage languages, view , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-SAC , Stories in People Analytics , LOD-SF-PLT , Platform Foundational Capabilities , LOD-SF-ANA-SAC-QDS , Query Designer - Filter, Calculated Column, Params , Problem
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