The app "Migrate your DATA" throws error DMC_RT_MSG 41 and dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X (message CP898) while uploading Maintenance Task Lists. At simulation there is no error.
In the dump in transaction ST22 this error message:
"Not all changes passed on to update program
Long text of the error message:
A COMMIT WORK has been invoked, despite the fact that not all
routing changes were passed on to the update program.
Because the COMMIT WORK removes all locks, these changes cannot
later be posted. This may lead to inconsistencies.
System Response
The system is unable to decide what is to be done with these
changes. Processing is discontinued.
Pass on all changes made to routings to the update program before
invoking COMMIT WORK. To do this, you can use the function module
EAM_TASKLIST_POST for example.
Procedure for System Administration
Technical information about the message:
Message class....... CP
Number.............. 898"
The dump happens in form BUFFER_PROCESSING_COMMIT of program SAPLPMTL (include LPMTLF03)
SAP S/4HANA, on-premise
DMC_RT_MSG41, F3473, CP 898 , KBA , PM-PRM-TL , Task Lists , CA-LT-MC , S/4HANA Migration Cockpit , Problem
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