SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3479577 - User Number Format not accepted when assigning value to a Dynamic Attribute


When attempting to assign a value to a dynamic attribute(via script or UI), if number contains comma (,) as decimal separator, an error is thrown informing  that "Value is not supported for characteristic" 


SAP SALES CLOUD CPQ Integrated with SAP CPS and SAP Variant Configuration

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open a Quote
  2. Search for a Back End Product and configure it 
  3. On configurator, attempt to enter a value in a number field, with number format that contains a comma as a decimal separator
  4. Error message will be displayed. 


CPQ and CPS limitation


  • CPS accepts numbers only in a standard format using '.' as the decimal separator. Language dependent formats (using ',' as decimal separator) are not supported
  • For Standard Attributes, when CPQ performs CPS calls, there is an implicit number format conversion, to dot decimal separator, in order to allow number to be passed to CPS
  • For Dynamic Attributes the same conversion is not done, thus error is thrown
  • Workaround is to avoid using Number Formats that contains comma as decimal separator when having Dynamic Attributes, or change number format using script
  • Currently there is no plan to add the implicit conversion in the CPS call for Dynamic Attributes
  • It is recommended to create/upvote enhancement request for feature.

See Also


Number Format, User Number Format, CPS, Characteristic, Dynamic Attribute, Dynamic, Limitation, CPQ , KBA , CEC-SAL-CPQ , Sales Cloud CPQ , Known Error


SAP CPQ 2024