- SUM cannot continue and stuck with SUM phase on Process Execution -> Specify Credentials.
This is a JAVA instance.
It stops due to the following error:
sapcontrol -nr $$ -host [hostname] -prot GSOAP_HTTP -function AccessCheck Stop
("$$" is the Instance Number)
FAIL: Connection refused, connect failed in tcp_connect()
- The -debug result is showing errorNo -8.
sapcontrol -nr $$ -host [hostname] -prot GSOAP_HTTP -debug -function AccessCheck Stop
[Thr 139990955936832] Thu May 30 18:10:37 2024
[Thr 139990955936832] NiIInit: allocated nitab (2048 at 7f522f2b1010)
[Thr 139990955936832] NiIHSBufInit: initialize hostname buffer (IPv4)
[Thr 139990955936832] NiHLInit: alloc host buf (100 entries)
[Thr 139990955936832] NiSrvLInit: alloc serv bufs (100 entries)
[Thr 139990955936832] NiISapServNameCheck: sapctrl00 not supported (len 9)
[Thr 139990955936832] NiPGetServInfoError: func NiPGetServByName; sys getaddrinfo; log 0; isErr 1; errorNo -8
[Thr 139990955936832] NiSrvLGetServNo: service name 'sapctrl00' not found by operating system
[Thr 139990955936832] NiInit3: NI already initialized (init=1;cur=2048)
30.05.2024 18:10:37
FAIL: Connection refused, connect failed in tcp_connect()
- In level 3 sapstartsrv.log file, the following error is displayed.
[Thr 140373069387520] Thu May 30 18:10:37 2024
[Thr 140373069387520] NiStrToAddrMask: local nodeAddrStr: [IP address] len 12
[Thr 140373069387520] NiStrToAddrMask: '[IP address]' -> [IP address]/32 (0/0)
[Thr 140373069387520] NiICreateHandle: hdl 25 state NI_INITIAL_LIS
[Thr 140373074638592] NiStrToAddrMask: local nodeAddrStr: [IP address] len 12
[Thr 140373074638592] NiStrToAddrMask: '[IP address]' -> [IP address]/32 (0/0)
[Thr 140373074638592] NiICreateHandle: hdl 38 state NI_INITIAL_LIS
[Thr 140373069387520] NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 25/sock 14 (I4; ST)
[Thr 140373069387520] BufSize: Min 0 Rcv 131072 Snd 16384
[Thr 140373074638592] NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 38/sock 15 (I4; ST)
[Thr 140373074638592] BufSize: Min 0 Rcv 131072 Snd 16384
[Thr 140373069387520] ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: [IP address]:50013: bind (99: Cannot assign requested address) [/bas/753_REL/src/base/ni/nixxi.cpp 3908]
[Thr 140373074638592] ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: [IP address]:50014: bind (99: Cannot assign requested address) [/bas/753_REL/src/base/ni/nixxi.cpp 3908]
[Thr 140373069387520] *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 25/sock 14
(SI_EADDR_NAVAIL/99; I4; ST; [IP address]:50013) [nixxi.cpp 3908]
[Thr 140373069387520] NiICloseHandle: closing initial hdl 25
[Thr 140373074638592] *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 38/sock 15
(SI_EADDR_NAVAIL/99; I4; ST; [IP address]:50014) [nixxi.cpp 3908]
[Thr 140373074638592] NiICloseHandle: closing initial hdl 38
Sapcontrol, sapstartsrv, AccessCheck, GSOAP_HTTP, FAIL: Connection refused, connect failed in tcp_connect(), tcp_connect(), bind (99: Cannot assign requested address), NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed, errorNo -8. , KBA , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , Problem
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