After upgrading to WorkForce Time and Attendance version 16.1 or later you may encounter the following error when attempting to run the Data Collection - Errors report:
A server error has occurred. Please report the following message to your system admin: Unable to preform action: loadReportPolicy - 21938812443
The server log will show the following details:
Caused by: com.workforcesoftware.Exceptions.InternalApplicationException: com.workforcesoftware.Exceptions.InternalApplicationException: Error creating report parameter arguments for parameter STD_CLOCK_ID
SAP WorkForce Time and Attendance (v16.1-18.3)
SAP Time and Attendance Management 18.3 by WorkForce Software
STD_CLOCK_ID, Automatic Upgrade, Parameter override , KBA , XX-PART-WFR-TAM , SAP Time and Attendance Management by Workforce Software , Problem
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