End user has the Sales Order (SO) -> Outbound Delivery (OBD) -> Freight Unit (FU) document flow. The SO has a Control Key defined which is not TM relevant. The OBD has a TM relevant Control Key defined. It means that FU creation happens on TM side only when delivery creation happens out of the Sales order. The related FU is seen on TM status tab of the delivery because the relevant Freight Unit Building Rule (FUBR) was called.
Then end user deletes the OBD based on business needs and the FU is unexpectedly reassigned to the non-TM relevant SO. If end user tries to cancel the FU, the system creates a new FU.
The expectation is, that once the delivery is cancelled, the related FU should be deleted and there would be no any documents on the Sales order TM status tab – document flow.
- SAP Transportation Management 9.x
- SAP S/4HANA 1709+
order, sales order, delivery, outbound delivery, SO, OBD, control key, FUBR, , KBA , TM-INT-LI , Logistics Integration - General , Problem
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