You wish to understand why you are experiencing intermittent errors such as the following while uploading Job info data towards SAP SuccessFactors EC. This could be via API or an Integration Center job:
"EmpJob: UPSERT failed for the row with key: . Reason: COE0019-EC Upsert failed! But there is no failed records return from import engine! error message:The system has encountered an unknown error on import. Please contact the System Administrator.. The row will not be processed for subsequent entities"
SAP SuccessFactors
SAP SuccessFactors Integration Center
PTCH-43063, GO's, GOs, GO, work order, workorder, Work Orders, IC, Integration Center, EmpJob: UPSERT failed for the row with key: . Reason: COE0019-EC Upsert failed! But there is no failed records return from import engine! error message:The system has encountered an unknown error on import. Please contact the System Administrator.. The row will not be processed for subsequent entities", Empjob, upsert, COE0019 , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , Problem
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