You are experiencing a problem with step 9 of the RCWB_TCI_DIGITSIGN_AUTOMATION report. The implementation process is being terminated and the implementation is not being carried out. It shows error message: "The implementation might result in dump. In such case, kindly re-run the report". But there is no dump error in transaction ST22.
You have also tried to implement the TCI Note 2576306 in transaction SNOTE, but the implementation process is also being terminated and the implementation is not being carried out. There is no error message.
The same issue may arise in transaction SNOTE when implementing other TCI Notes.
When opening transaction SPAM, you encounter the error message: "No valid maintenance certificate found for system <SID>".
NetWeaver ABAP system.
step 9, RCWB_TCI_DIGITSIGN_AUTOMATION, 2576306, TCI, No valid maintenance certificate found for system, The implementation might result in dump , KBA , BC-UPG-NA , Note Assistant , SV-SMG-LIC , License Management / Maintenance Certificate , BC-UPG-OCS , Online Corr. Support (Tools:Supp.-Pack., Addon Install/Upgr) , Problem
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