SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3487933 - How to link an existing Opportunity to an existing Sales Quote via SOAPUI


You want to know how to link an existing Opportunity ID to an existing Sales Quote via ManageOpportunityIn.


SAP Business ByDesign


Based on the Help Center Documentation, please check section - Business Transaction Document References:

In general, with the Business Transaction Document Reference, the opportunity can be linked to other business documents like an activity or a campaign. To create or update a business transaction document reference, the ID (or UUID), TypeCode of the related business document as well as the RoleCode of the business document within the relationship shall be provided.

CustomerQuoteSuccessorBusinessTransactionDocumentReference: A customer quote as related business document is a successor to the opportunity. The type code of Customer Quote is 30.


Please refer to below payload to successfully link both document ID's:

  <Opportunity actionCode="02" custQteSuccssrBusTransactionDocumentReferenceListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true">
            <CustomerQuoteSuccessorBusinessTransactionDocumentReference actionCode="02">

See Also

KBA: 3464394 - How to Maintain Sales Activities by Using API ManageOpportunityIn

Inbound Service ManageOpportunityIn


Webservice, ManageOpportunityIn, sales activities, opportunity API. , KBA , SRD-CRM-OPP , Opportunities , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions