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3490652 - SSO Error: You are not authorized to use single sign-on or label.sso.invalidAcsUrl (URL updates needed for Hyperscaler instance)


SAP Fieldglass is migrating all customers to Hyperscaler environments, which changes the URL your SSO.

If your buyer tenant has migrated or you are making the updates in advance of your assigned migration date one of the following might happen:

  • When you sign into the hyperscaler environment with the new URL you get Error: You are not authorized to use single-sign-on or SSO Exception: label.sso.invalidAcsUrl
  • Changes were not made to your SSO in advance of your migration to the hyperscaler environment and SSO is not working for all users 
  • You made the necessary changes and also set the New URL Adopted Flag to Yes however SSO is not working



SAP Fieldglass Vendor Management System all versions


hyperscaler not authorized, cloud not authorized, hyperscaler URL, hyperscaler SSO link, cloud SSO link, SSO Error When URL Switched to Hyperscaler URL , KBA , BNS-FG-INT-SSO , Integration - SSO Setup , How To

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