SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3491183 - Current modelID reached limit or maximum number of active jobs [1007] - Troubleshooting Guidelines


The following error message is displayed when attempting to run a data import job in SAP Analytics Cloud:

"Current modelID reached limit or maximum number of active jobs"


SAP Analytics Cloud Revision 2023 and higher

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Re-run data separate import jobs into a model until you have reached the maximum number of jobs.
  2. An error is generated on any new job creation explaining that the maximum number of active jobs has been reached.


'Active Jobs' are data import jobs that can consist of the following states:


In this case, the maximum number of active jobs for this specific model has been reached.

Rather than fixing an invalid job, a new job has been created, leaving the previous job in an active state.


This error is resolvable through the backend only using Postman.

Your SAP Analytics Cloud Administrator should carefully perform the following steps:

SAP Analytics Cloud steps:

  1. Open the 'App Integration' tab within System -> Administration of SAP Analytics Cloud.
  2. Make a note of the Client ID, Client Secret and Token URL.


Postman Steps:

  1. Open a new request in Postman. 
  2. Navigate to the 'Authorization' tab to configure the OAuth Client in Postman. 
  3. Under Auth Type, select 'OAuth 2.0', and input the Client ID, Client Secret, and Token URL.
  4. Click the 'Get New Access Token' button. 


  1. Next, make a request to <tenant_name>/api/v1/dataimport/jobs to get a list of all the jobs on the tenant, including the 'x-csrf-token' = 'fetch' header. 
  2. In the response, make a note of the header, also called 'x-csrf-token'. 
  3. Find the list of 'Active Jobs', where the job status is 'READY_FOR_DATA', 'READY_FOR_VALIDATON' or 'READY_FOR_WRITE'.


  1. Make a note of the list of the JobIDs. 
  2. Execute a DELETE call to each jobID using /jobs/<JOB_ID>, to delete the jobs.  Include the 'x-csrf-token', which should be set to the CSRF Token, previously obtained from the headers in the request set to /jobs.


  1. Once the jobs have been cleared, it should now be possible to run data import jobs once more.

See Also

SAP Analytics Cloud REST API /jobs/{jobID}(DELETE)


Data Import API, Data Import Service, DIS , KBA , LOD-ANA-ML-DI , Data Integration, Data Export API, Data Import API , LOD-ANA-ML , SAC Modelling , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud all versions