It is needed to delete a selected set.
In table QPAM, it can be seen that field VERWENDUNG is empty.
However, when corresponding customizing (transaction QCC0 ---> Quality Inspection ---> Inspection Lot Completion ---> Edit Selected Sets for Usage decisions) is opened, it can be seen that usage indicator (V_QPAM_UD-VERWENDUNG) is set and therefore the selected set cannot be deleted.
When it is attempted to delete the selected set, error "The selected set & is used and cannot therefore be deleted" (message number: QS239) is raised.
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- SAP S/4HANA, on-premise
QM-PT-BD, selected set, delete, usage, remove, usage decision, UD, QS239, VERWENDUNG, QPAM, Auswahlmenge, löschen, gelöscht , KBA , QM-PT-BD , Basic Data , Problem
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