When update/Upgrading System with SUM DMO method, SUM fails at phase MAIN_SWITCH/SUBMOD_MIG_SWITCH_ORG/SUBMOD_MIG_DOWNTIME_EXP/EU_CLONE_MIG_DT_EXP with following error:
# /<full path>/SUM/abap/migrate_dt/MIGRATE_DT_00158__BI0_F0SMD_PE2D_EXP.LOG:
A1 EDBS 002 Connected to DB 'ORA'
A1 EORA 010 Database character set: UTF16
A1 EGEN 002 ====================================================
A1 EDMP 006 Resource usage: DATABASE times: 0.703/0.621/0.013
100.0%/100.0%/100.0% real/usr/sys
A1 EDMP 006 Resource usage: FILE times: 0.000/0.000/0.000 0.0%/0.0%/0.0%
A1EEGEN 000 (TOC) Missing version information
A1EEGEN 022 Exit code: "2"
We can also see following error entries in the below log file:
A1 EGEN 002 ====================================================
A1 EDMP 006 Resource usage: DATABASE times: 0.965/0.106/0.006 94.2%/99.9%/97.0% real/usr/sys
A1 EDMP 006 Resource usage: FILE times: 0.060/0.000/0.000 5.8%/0.1%/3.0% real/usr/sys
A1EEGEN 000 (TOC) Cannot write to '/SMN_DMO/SUM/abap/migrate_dt/MIGRATE_DT_00153__BI0_F0SMD_PE2D_EXP.TOC' for '[HEADER]': No space left on device
A1EEGEN 022 Exit code: "2"
A1 EGEN 005 /<full path>/SUM/abap/exe/R3load: END OF LOG: 20240701141433
All SAP NetWeaver Releases for SUM DMO.
(TOC) Missing version information, No space left on device, SUM DMO, MAIN_SWITCH/SUBMOD_MIG_SWITCH_ORG/SUBMOD_MIG_DOWNTIME_EXP/EU_CLONE_MIG_DT_EXP, EU_CLONE_MIG_DT_EXP , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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