A user gets a pop up error at the time sheet. The user can see that the Absence (ACT) Case column on the time sheet is present and seems to be editable, but when trying to place the cursor in this box the error appears, rather than showing a drop down of available cases. The error may just have an error number rather than full details, meaning that the full stack trace must be found in the server logs. The full error is similar to the example below.
2023-05-16 10:16:31,771 com.workforcesoftware.ClientRequests.JspUtils.WActionBase ERROR [https-jsse-nio-10006-exec-185] [] Errors occurred while performing the operation. com.workforcesoftware.Exceptions.AccessDeniedException: User does not have any of the system features required to access the requested URL; URL: AbsenceCaseTracking; System Features: {ACT_CASE_ADMIN, ACT_CREATE_ABSENCE_CASES, ACT_CREATE_ACCOMMODATION_CASES_FOR_GROUP, ACT_GROUP_ADMIN_ACCOMMODATION, ACT_SELF_SERVICE, VIEW_ACT_BALANCES, ACT_ACCOMMODATION_SELF_SERVICE, ACT_CREATE_ABSENCE_CASES_FOR_GROUP, ACT_VIEW_SELF_BALANCES, ACT_LEAVE_MAP, ACT_GROUP_ADMIN_ABSENCE, ACT_CREATE_ACCOMMODATION_CASES} Related System Feature(s):{ACT_CASE_ADMIN, ACT_CREATE_ABSENCE_CASES, ACT_CREATE_ACCOMMODATIO
SAP Absence & Leave Management by Workforce Software (Absence Compliance Tracker) - (All versions)
Grant access, Remove access, ACT , KBA , XX-PART-WFR-ACT , SAP Absence & Leave Management (ACT) by Workforce Software , Problem
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