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3493471 - Publishing Absences From The Time Sheet


New functionality has been added to WT&A to publish absences to the Suite which are entered directly at the Time Sheet. The primary purpose of this functionality is so that these absences can be consumed by other applications, such as for scheduling and the Team Absence Calendar.

NOTE: Currently this works with Demand Scheduling and Pattern Scheduling. Standard Scheduling does not require pushing these absences, and Job Scheduling cannot consume this information.

Below is an example of what this could look like in the Schedule Editor, where the "Jury" pay code was entered directly at the WT&A Time Sheet, and has fed through into the scheduling application.


Time entered through Time Off Requests (TORs) will already publish in this way, per prior system behavior. But there are specific conditions where time should be entered directly at the time sheet instead of going through a TOR. For example, pay codes that don't go through an approval process or where the time needed is unknown can be examples of this. Jury Duty is one such example where the specific amount of time needed and number of days involved will be completely unknown until it is completed, and so updating the time sheet a day at a time may be more manageable than trying to submit TORs.

Publishing absences directly from the time sheet will not be enabled by default, and will require steps to enable. Below are the details on how to set this up, and what to expect when this is in use.



SAP Absence & Leave Management by Workforce Software -Absence Compliance Tracker (


SAP Absence and Leave Management by WorkForce Software all versions


TOR, Time off request, Absence Calendar , KBA , XX-PART-WFR-ACT , SAP Absence & Leave Management (ACT) by Workforce Software , Problem

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