You receive error message FMFG_ABP020 even though you have never used Automatic Budget Postings (ABP) for Personal Cost Saving. AND you have activated ABP for Document Based Revenues Increasing the Budget (RIB).
- You need to implement SAP Note 3414964 so the correct error message is issued: FMFG_ABP036.
- You implemented SAP Note 3414964, now the error is changed to FMFG_ABP036 "Could not retrieve budget doc.header values for RIB (FM area &1, year &2)", but you don't know how to solve it.
- EA-PS active
- "Automatic Budget posting for Document Based Revenues Increasing the Budget" is used.
SAP S/4HANA 2021 ; SAP S/4HANA 2022 ; SAP S/4HANA 2023
FMFG_ABP020, FMFG_ABP036, 020(FMFG_ABP), 036(FMFG_ABP), ABP, RIB , KBA , PSM-FM-BCS-BU , Budgeting , Problem
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