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3494121 - DB6: SWPM Database Export for System Copy Hangs in Define Parameters Phase


The SWPM export always hangs at the following location, there is no errors. Even after upgrade to DB2 version 9.7.11 or later:


TRACE      2024-06-13 16:23:26.201 (ICSECCDEV\devadm) (startInstallation) [SLPGuiEngine.cpp:68] SLPGuiEngine::showDialogCalledByJs()
SLPGuiEngine::showDialogCalledByJs() called for dialog diExportCommon

TRACE      2024-06-13 16:23:26.247 (ICSECCDEV\devadm) (startInstallation) [SLPGuiEngine.cpp:138] SLPGuiEngine::showDialogCalledByJs()
Showing dialog diExportCommon :
<dialog sid="diExportCommon">
<title>SAP System &gt; Export for Target System</title>
<check sid="cbMigMonConfig" highlight="false" enabled="true">
 <caption>Start Migration Monitor Manually</caption>
 <helpitem id="common.StartMigrMonManually"/>
<check sid="cbSplitStrFiles" highlight="false" enabled="true">
 <caption>Split STR files</caption>
 <helpitem id="Syscopy.SplitSTRFiles"/>
<field enabled="false" sid="fldSourceDB" highlight="false">
 <caption>Source DB</caption>
 <value maxlength="30" type="string">IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows</value>
<field enabled="false" sid="fldSourceDBHost" highlight="false">
 <caption>Database Host</caption>
 <helpitem id="common.DatabaseHost"/>
 <value maxlength="30" type="string"><domain></value>
<field enabled="false" sid="fldSourceDBSID" highlight="false">
 <caption>Database ID (DBSID)</caption>
 <helpitem id="common.DatabaseIDofSAPSystem"/>
 <value maxlength="4" type="upper"><sid></value>
<field enabled="false" sid="fldSourceOS" highlight="false">
 <caption>Source OS</caption>
 <value maxlength="30" type="string">Windows</value>
<pulldown sid="pdTargetDB" highlight="false" enabled="true" edit="false">
 <caption>Target Database Type</caption>
 <helpitem id="Syscopy.TargetDBType"/>
 <value> </value>
 <value>SAP HANA Database</value>
 <value>MS SQL Server</value>
 <value>IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows</value>
 <value>IBM DB2 for z/OS</value>
 <value>IBM DB2 for i</value>
 <value>SAP ASE</value>
 <selectvalue> </selectvalue>

TRACE      2024-06-13 16:23:26.247 (<domain>\<sid>adm) (eventLoop) [SLPMonitoringStatemachine.cpp:489]
ShowDialog received.

TRACE      2024-06-13 16:23:26.247 (<domain>\<sid>adm) (eventLoop) [SLPMonitoringStatemachine.cpp:599]
Entering state SLPPDialog

INFO       2024-06-13 16:23:26.248 (<domain>\<sid>adm) (eventLoop) [SLPMonitoringStatemachine.cpp:1424]
Open your browser and paste the following URL address to access the GUI
Logon users: [.\<sid>adm]



DB2 on LUW




KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , Problem

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