The SWPM export always hangs at the following location, there is no errors. Even after upgrade to DB2 version 9.7.11 or later:
TRACE 2024-06-13 16:23:26.201 (ICSECCDEV\devadm) (startInstallation) [SLPGuiEngine.cpp:68] SLPGuiEngine::showDialogCalledByJs()
SLPGuiEngine::showDialogCalledByJs() called for dialog diExportCommon
TRACE 2024-06-13 16:23:26.247 (ICSECCDEV\devadm) (startInstallation) [SLPGuiEngine.cpp:138] SLPGuiEngine::showDialogCalledByJs()
Showing dialog diExportCommon :
<dialog sid="diExportCommon">
<title>SAP System > Export for Target System</title>
<check sid="cbMigMonConfig" highlight="false" enabled="true">
<caption>Start Migration Monitor Manually</caption>
<helpitem id="common.StartMigrMonManually"/>
<check sid="cbSplitStrFiles" highlight="false" enabled="true">
<caption>Split STR files</caption>
<helpitem id="Syscopy.SplitSTRFiles"/>
<field enabled="false" sid="fldSourceDB" highlight="false">
<caption>Source DB</caption>
<value maxlength="30" type="string">IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows</value>
<field enabled="false" sid="fldSourceDBHost" highlight="false">
<caption>Database Host</caption>
<helpitem id="common.DatabaseHost"/>
<value maxlength="30" type="string"><domain></value>
<field enabled="false" sid="fldSourceDBSID" highlight="false">
<caption>Database ID (DBSID)</caption>
<helpitem id="common.DatabaseIDofSAPSystem"/>
<value maxlength="4" type="upper"><sid></value>
<field enabled="false" sid="fldSourceOS" highlight="false">
<caption>Source OS</caption>
<value maxlength="30" type="string">Windows</value>
<pulldown sid="pdTargetDB" highlight="false" enabled="true" edit="false">
<caption>Target Database Type</caption>
<helpitem id="Syscopy.TargetDBType"/>
<value> </value>
<value>SAP HANA Database</value>
<value>MS SQL Server</value>
<value>IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows</value>
<value>IBM DB2 for z/OS</value>
<value>IBM DB2 for i</value>
<value>SAP ASE</value>
<selectvalue> </selectvalue>
TRACE 2024-06-13 16:23:26.247 (<domain>\<sid>adm) (eventLoop) [SLPMonitoringStatemachine.cpp:489]
ShowDialog received.
TRACE 2024-06-13 16:23:26.247 (<domain>\<sid>adm) (eventLoop) [SLPMonitoringStatemachine.cpp:599]
Entering state SLPPDialog
INFO 2024-06-13 16:23:26.248 (<domain>\<sid>adm) (eventLoop) [SLPMonitoringStatemachine.cpp:1424]
Open your browser and paste the following URL address to access the GUI
Logon users: [.\<sid>adm]
DB2 on LUW
KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , Problem
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