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3494344 - Different behavior for "already completed warning" when start an online course which has been completed before


The behavior when starting an already-completed online course is different. In some scenario, the already completed warning is not shown and course was started directly

Scenario 1:

When navigating to item detail page via library or via completed item history, after clicking on the "Start Course" button in item detail page, the warning "The course was completed on [XX/XX/XXXX]. Do you want to launch the content again" will pop up.

Scenario 2:

When navigating to library, after clicking on the "Start Course" directly in library without entering item detail page, the warning will not pop up and the course will be started directly.



SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management all versions


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions


The course was completed, Do you want to launch the content again, library, item detail, warning, not shown, warning pop up , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ITE , Items , Problem

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