SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3494646 - Unable to find and re-trigger the I-9 workflow after declining to sign the Section 3 form - Onboarding


  • After selecting the "decline" option in the signature window, the task disappears and cannot be located or triggered again.
  • When trying to manually trigger I-9 workflow, an error appears, "The previous sections of Form I-9 are incomplete for the selected user. Please complete them to proceed.".


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Manage Data.
  2. From the Create New dropdown, select ‘Trigger I-9 Flow’.
  3. Trigger the I-9 workflow for the candidate.
  4. An error appears "The previous sections of Form I-9 are incomplete for the selected user. Please complete them to proceed."


This is a Known Issue.


This issue will be corrected in the 2H 2024 Release. Release dates can be found on SAP SuccessFactors Product Release & Road Map Information.


Please generate the link by using the following format:

Just have to replace parameters encryptedUserId and bpeUserTaskId, these parameters can be obtained from BPE: Monitor process of affected candidate.


OBX-31708, decline, decline the Section 3, Reverification Error, Trigger I-9 workflow, signature , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-I9 , i9 Compliance Form , Known Error


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions