SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3495562 - It's possible to add more decimals when editing a goal despite field-format xml configuration


It's possible to add more decimals than it's set in the Goal Management template field-format xml configuration


SAP SuccessFactors Latest Goal Management

Reproducing the Issue

1. Add field-format xml configuration to number or percent type of field.

2. Create a goal and notice that it's possible to add more decimals to these fields.

3. Save the goal successfully, no error is triggered.

4. Open the created goal in "View Details" mode by clicking the Goal and see that field-format xml configuration is respected there.


This is the current system design for the Latest Goal Management for both standard and custom fields.

This is to ensure accuracy and precision during editing, so that auto-population or calculation results would be displayed in full and don't get truncated.

See Also

3479760 - Objective Fields have been Rounded when viewed - SAP for Me


goal, latest goal management, decimals, decimal, field-format, field format , KBA , LOD-SF-GM-TMP , Template Management , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 2405