When trying to upload the profile picture, the system displays the following error message:
"This image format is not supported. Please use JPG, JPEG, or PNG."
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to User Profile/Avatar icon.
- Click on the user name.
- Click on the Actions button.
- Select Change Image.
- Select the desired image.
- Click the OK button.
- The error message "This image format is not supported. Please use JPG, JPEG, or PNG." is displayed.
Multiple custom MIME types are configured and assigned to these file extensions. Any of these could be chosen for an upload, potentially leading to rejection by the application if our standard MIME type is expected.
The issue arises because when a JPG, JPEG, or PNG file is uploaded (such as during the profile picture upload), the file extension is used to determine its type and verify if it is allowed for upload.
To check this, please follow the steps below:
- Go to Business Configuration Work Center.
- Go to Implementation Project View.
- Select the project and click the Open Activity List button.
- Go to the Fine Tuning tab.
- Open the "Allowed MIME Types for Document Upload" activity.
- In the MIME Type column, search for the type of document you tried to upload (JPG, JPEG, or PNG).
- Check the options available.
It is necessary either to remove all custom MIME types where a standard MIME type is provided or, if removal is not possible, to remove the file extension JPG, JPEG, or PNG from those MIME types.
To implement this, follow these steps:
- Go to Business Configuration Work Center.
- Go to Implementation Project View.
- Select the project and click the Open Activity List button.
- Go to the Fine Tuning tab.
- Open the "Allowed MIME Types for Document Upload" activity.
- In the MIME Type column, search for the type of document you tried to upload (JPG, JPEG, or PNG).
- Remove all custom MIME types where a standard MIME type is provided.
- If removal is not possible, remove the file extension JPG, JPEG, or PNG from those MIME types
Picture, Photo, Employee, Change , KBA , SRD-CC-RUI-DOC , Document Service Reuse UI's , How To