Unable to add/save banner/custom card in the new Learning experience, despite having the “Company System and Logo Settings” permission (KBA 3463965). The system returns:
- "We couldn't save changes to the custom card. Please try again later.".
- "Failed to load data. Please try again later.".
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
- Learning Administration >
- System Administration > Application Administration >
- Banners or Custom Cards >
- Proceed until the last step of the configuration of the new banner/custom card, the "Visibility" one >
- "Target Group" field > Select "User Groups IDs" > Type the full ID > Press "tab" or Type the ID and click "tab" when the suggested value auto appears >
- Try to add/save it > The errors will happen.
Our Learning Engineering team has finalized their work on the situation and the fix was delivered with the 2411 system version. Please, set this KBA as a favorite (star icon on the top right corner) to receive updates on it. Additional details are available in the following links: Product Release & Road Map Information | SAP SuccessFactors Validated SaaS Learning Product Communications.
Check the KBA 2171560 to understand how to get notified when a KBA is created/updated.
Workaround: When configuring the "User Groups IDs" field, add it by first clicking the select/search icon of the “User Group IDs” box, which will open a popup.
new, learning, experience, custom, card, banner, unable, add, Company System and Logo Settings, error, fail, failure, message, save, visibility, LRN-162879, KI2405 , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ILX , Integrated Learning Experience , LOD-SF-LMS-TIL , Landing Page and Tiles , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Known Error