SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3498775 - Cannot Select Same Field as Code To Restrict and Control Field


It's not possible to use the same field as code to restrict and control field.


  • SAP Service Cloud v2
  • SAP Sales Cloud v2

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Go to code list restriction view.
  3. Click on + to create a new one.
  4. Select any entity.
  5. Select A field as Code to Restrict.
  6. You cannot select A field as control field. 


Currently, it is not possible to use the same field as both a control and a code to restrict field. This is a limitation for code list restriction feature.


CLR, code list restriction, control field, code to restrict, same, equal, missing , KBA , CEC-CRM-CLR , Code List Restrictions for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , How To


SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0