SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3499091 - Owner of the role with read permission only when assigned to same roles/ teams can make changes to the role in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC).


Owner of the roles (role created with read permission only) when assigned to it, can still make changes on it.

Other user assigned to the role cannot override the permission.


SAP Analytics Cloud version 2.0

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Log in to SAC.
  2. Go to Security -> Roles.
  3. Create a role with only Read permission on all object type. Save it.
  4. Assign the role owner this created role.


Notice that the other user assigned with the custom role cannot edit the role, also cannot make any changes on granted permission, But the owner of the role even assigned to same role can make changes to the role.


This behavior is by design.


Role owner (user that created the role) is always supposed to be able to make changes to the role that they created, even if later they are assigned with viewer role only (read-only permissions). This means that role owner always has full access to the role that they created. This applies to other object types such as team also.

See Also


SAC, roles, teams, owner , KBA , LOD-ANA-ADM , SAC Administration , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0