- During the transfer of data from the electronic bank statement FPB7 to payment lot and returns lot, the system generates error message >U305.
- The error message states that a unique bank clearing account is not determined.
- The associated error message is:
>U 305 Bankverrkto zum Hausbankkto. &1 &2 im Buchungskreis &3 nicht eindeutig
>U 305 Bank clearing account for house bank acct &1 &2 in CoCde &3 not unique
FI-CA - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
FPB7, Bank Clearing Accounts, EBS, G/L account, Payment lot, Error >U305, Event 954, I_FEBKO, C_BFKKZK-BVRKO, TFK012, HBKID, HKTID , KBA , FI-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-PS-CA , Public Sector Contract Accounting , IS-M-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-U-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-T-CA , Contract Accounting , FS-CD , Collections and Disbursements , FI-CAX , Non-industry specific contract accounts receivable, payable , Problem
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