SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3499546 - Error Message: "No sales order exists for purchase order reference *"


You are using the webservice ManageThirdPartyOrderDeliveryNotifcationIn to create Inbound Delivery Notification but you are getting the error message "No sales order exists for purchase order reference 123" (123 represents the Sales Order ID) even though this purchase order does have sales order associated to it.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the Application and User Management work center.
  2. Go to the Service Explorer view.
  3. Find the web service 'ManageThirdPartyOrderDeliveryNotifcationIn'.
  4. Select the Service 'ManageThirdPartyOrderDeliveryNotifcationIn' and open the documentation of the Web Service.
  5. Copy the example and adjust the relevant details to your requirement in the Request XML.
  6. Open MDRS and consume the Request Payload.
  7. You can see the system is responding with the following Note in the Response payload: <Note>No sales order exists for purchase order reference 123</Note>.

  1. Navigate to the Purchase Requests and Orders work center. 
  2. Go to the Purchase Orders view. 
  3. Find and select the relevant Purchase Order.
  4. Click Edit and View All.
  5. Go to the Document Flow tab.
  6. You can see there is indeed a Sales Order associated to the Purchase Order.


Try to create the Inbound Delivery Notification from the Front-End, and: 

  1. Go to the Third-Party Order Fulfillment work center, and then to the Third-Party Delivery Notifications view.
  2. Search for the relevant Purchase Order.
  3. The system finds no records.


You are trying to confirm Goods Receipt at an externally managed Warehouse using the ManageThirdPartyOrderDeliveryNotifcationIn web service for an inter company scenario. As there is no Third Party Sales Order in the system, the system is correctly reporting the same. 

The Sales Order created against the Purchase Order is an Intercompany Sales Order and not a Drop-Shipment Sales Order.



You have to use the web service Inbound Delivery Execution In (Inbound Delivery Execution Confirmation(IDEC)) to confirm the Receipt of the Items at your Warehouse Provider.

The system is therefore working as designed.

See Also

Inter company, TPOP, 3PL


KBA , AP-IDP , Inbound Delivery Processing , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 2405