SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3499799 - SAP Datasphere DataFlow fails with ODATA connection when Batch query is turned on


DataFlow in SAP Datasphere fails with error "Cannot invoke "java.lang.Integer.intValue()" because the return value of "org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.feed.FeedMetadata.getInlineCount()" is null " when batch query is turned on


SAP Datasphere

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a ODATA connection
  2. Create a DataFlow in Datasphere with the ODATA connection and turn Batch Query On
  3. Save, deploy and run the DataFlow. 


For the "batch_query" mode in datasphere odata dataflow to work, it requires the OData service to support the $count operator or the "$inlinecount=allpage" to calculate the count. Getting the count of all records is the first step in "batch_query" mode. 


  • Check using POSTMAN call whether https://<service root url>/<resource path>?$count returns value
  • Check using POSTMAN call whether https://<service root url>/<resource path>?$top=1&$inlinecount=allpages. The response should return the count for all pages

If either of the above two checks do not work then batch query will fail in Dataflow. If the ODATA service is an SAP provided ODATA service then the issue has to be checked by the corresponding application component.  

See Also


batch_query, Batch,ODATA,org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.feed.FeedMetadata.getInlineCount(), dataflow , KBA , DS-DI-DF , Data Flows , DS-DI-CON , Connections , CA-DI-EMB , Data Intelligence Embedded in Data Warehouse Cloud , Problem


SAP Datasphere 1.0