After transporting the views created by Adapt UI, can the views created on target system still be useable and unchanged?
With the UI adaptation mode, changing existing views, creating new views, and managing available views can be done for other users in organization.
The views generated by Adapt UI and transported to target system will not affect the views created there.
The views created in target system will stay usable and unchanged.
Even when the views have the same name in source system and target system, it will show both of the views in the target system with same name after the transport, the view created in the target system will not get overwritten.
The views transported can only be edited in the original system.
For example:
If view is created in a test system, and then be transported to the production system. This view cannot be changed in the production system using key user adaptation. A view can only be adapted in the original system where it has been created.
However, personalizing views can always be done for yourself, no matter in which system they have been created.
See Also
KBA , CA-UI5-FL-RTA , SAP UI5 Runtime Adaptation , Problem