SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3501063 - Variable filter fields are aligned differently since QRC3 release in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)


  • Variable dialog within filter panel has been changed.
  • With QRC3, the value display is arranged under each other, instead of next to each other and with a widened look.


  • SAP Analytics Cloud Version 2024.15.1 
  • BW Live 

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Log on to SAC.
  2. Open affected story.
  3. Open filter panel.
  4. Open the prompt filter tokens.
  5. Notice that all fields are left aligned and not placed in the middle.


  • There were changes made to the layout of the input fields to prevent them from growing or shrinking irrespective of the presence of the delete line button.
  • It is not that it was previously middle aligned, it just appeared to be when there was no delete line button.


Previously there were issues raised about the lack of visibility of the text within the fields due to the limited width, it was abbreviated with the ellipsis. This was especially problematic in mobile. To address this, it was reviewed and changed to move the fields below each other with a space separation between conditions.

See Also

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SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0