SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3501983 - Process when a task in data workbench is stuck in "Stop Pending" status


Data Workbench process when a task is stuck in the state "Stop Pending".


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Initiate a new task in data workbench.
  2. The task processes for a while and gets stuck in the state "Stop Pending".
  3. Due to this, other tasks are also stuck in "In Queue" status.


When a data workbench task that is stuck in the state "Stop Pending" for more than two hours, we have provided a new fix that will resume the other tasks that are stuck in "In Queue" status.

With respect to the task that is stuck in "Stop Pending" you can report a case to SAP.

(Note: Data workbench monitor logs will only be available for 5-6 days)


Stop Pending, Data workbench, in Queue, , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-DWB , Data Workbench , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions