SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3502824 - SharePoint Mashup is Not Rendering


SharePoint mashup it's not rendering on the screen.


  • SAP Service Cloud v2
  • SAP Sales Cloud v2

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Menu.
  2. Open the desired view (e.g Accounts).
  3. Search and open any record.
  4. Go to the mashup.

Result: it's not rendering.


System Behavior.


The SharePoint application it's not supported in the iFrame, which means that it's not supported in the SAP V2 screen.

See Also

3385680 - Mashup not rendering in UI even after adding in the Trusted Domain List

To check if a mashup it's supported in V2, test the URL link in the iFrame Tester, if renders correctly, it means that it's supported.


SSO, Mashup, Microsoft, SharePoint, Rendering, iFrame , KBA , CEC-CRM-MAS , Mashups for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , Known Error


SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0