SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3503236 - Payment File With Multiple <PmtInf>


You create an outgoing payment file (for example a SEPA file) from the system. You notice that the file has two payment block <PmtInf> and has been refused by the bank.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Liquidity Management work center.
  2. Go to the File Management view.
  3. Select the Outbound Files subview.
  4. Search and open the file ID: XXX (XXX stands for the ID of the file).

In the XML file, there is two <PmtInf> grouping the payments in the file. 


The payment medium format you are using allows for multiple payments and the file XXX includes multiple payments that have different Bank Processing Date. Hence the system has split the payments in two batches with their bank processing date.
In the activity Outgoing Bank Transfers / Edit Payment Medium Format, you have set for your payment medium format, the Sort Sequence and Granularity of Payment to group the payments on the file following the Sort Payments by below criteria:

  • Internal ID of my bank account.
  • Bank processing date.
  • Payment method details (code).


This is the normal system behaviour in regards to the split process.
Every time any of the Sort Payments by value is different for the payments on the file, the split process will occur.


<PmtInf>, Outbound Files, Payment Medium Format, Sort Payment by, Outgoing Bank Transfer. , KBA , AP-PAY-GLO , Cross-Country Extensions , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 2405