SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3503484 - Quick Confirm Delivery Button is Greyed Out in Shopping Cart


When creating delivery documents (Goods and Services Receipts) from shopping cart, find that only Confirm Delivery button is available. Quick Confirm Delivery button is greyed out.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create shopping cart XYZ (XYZ represents shopping cart's ID).
  2. Create follow-up purchase requests and orders for it.
  3. Go to Home work center, Self-Services Overview view.
  4. Click on the hyperlink "Track My Shopping Carts".
  5. Select the line of shopping cart XYZ.
  6. See that in Details section on the screen, Quick Confirm Delivery is greyed out. Confirm Delivery is available.


There has been delivery document for shopping cart XYZ.

Quick Confirm Delivery is for situation in which items are completely ordered. If the status of a shopping cart is partially ordered, then only Confirm Delivery option is available.


Use Confirm Delivery function to create delivery receipt for partially ordered shopping carts.

Otherwise, completely order the items in the shopping cart.


Shopping Cart; Quick Confirm Delivery; Confirm Delivery; Goods and Services Receipts , KBA , SRD-SRM-SC , Sourcing and Contracting , SRD-SRM-GSA , Goods and Service Aknowledgement , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions