SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3503487 - Revenue is not recognized due to no planned revenue exist for POC based method


For POC(Cost of Percentage) method, there's planned cost maintained for WBS element A-01 and planned revenue maintained for WBS element A-02,
although, both WBS elements are under the same project A, when revaluing WBS element A-01, there's no planned revenue exist, causing no revenue being recognized.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition


Different WBS elements can have different revenue recognition keys, using different method.
Kindly be noticed that the revenue recognition is working for the single one object, in this case, WBS element.
Kindly make sure there are both planned cost and planned revenue exist for the same WBS element.


Kindly maintain the planned cost and planned revenue for the same WBS element.


Revenue recognition, Revenue recognition key, EPPM, import financial plan data, PLN, EBRR source. , KBA , CO-PC-OBJ-EBR-2CL , Event-Based Revenue Recognition (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions