SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3503816 - Click on 'Publish' in story will make the whole page frozen.


After data entry is made, publishing data will make the whole page frozen. Users have to open a new window and refresh the story to observe the publish.


SAP Analytics Cloud 2024.8.14.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open a story.
  2. Go to a table and make some data changes.
  3. Click on Publish Data -> Publish.
  4. The screen is frozen. 
  5. Refresh the story.
  6. This time revert data. 
  7. The screen is frozen again.


This is a known coding issue.


The fix should be deployed with SAC Version 2024.8.19(Client).

See Also

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publish, no response, no change, unchanged, freeze revert data , KBA , LOD-ANA-PL-VER , Version Management , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0