You are facing the below issue while trying to upgrade your database
21:17:56.626 - INFO: Output line 17:
21:17:56.626 - INFO: Output line 18: Checking upgrade...
21:17:56.679 - INFO: Output line 19: Checking local sapstartsrv...
21:17:56.757 - INFO: Output line 20: Detected installed SAP Host Agent version '7.22.62'
21:17:56.757 - INFO: Output line 21: Detected SAP Host Agent version '7.22.62' in installation kit
21:17:56.757 - INFO: Output line 22: Running SAP Host Agent installer...
21:22:39.706 - INFO: Output line 23: Starting service (sapstartsrv)...
21:22:48.735 - INFO: Output line 24: Upgrade failed
21:22:48.735 - INFO: Output line 25: error upgrading
21:22:48.735 - INFO: Output line 26: Cannot create SecureStore
21:22:48.735 - INFO: Output line 27: Found value 'cryptography/ssfs_key_file_path' = '$(DIR_GLOBAL)/hdb/security/ssfs' in layer 'Default'
21:22:48.735 - INFO: Output line 28: Switching to user id 1005 and group id 79.
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 29: Starting external program /usr/sap/XXX/HDB07/exe/hdbnsutil
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 30: Command line is: /usr/sap/XXX/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil -createSecureStore
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 31: Output line 1: shared memory not initialized (state=Init). retry in 5 sec ...
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 32: Output line 2: connected to shared memory.
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 33: Output line 3: nameserver vhmethsqdb01:30701 is still active. cannot open its SSFS
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 34: Output line 4: failed.
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 35: Output line 5: Performing Final Memory Release with 9 threads.
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 36: Output line 6: Finished Final Memory Release successfuly.
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 37: Program terminated with exit code 1
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 38: Switching back to root user.
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 39: /usr/sap/XXX/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil call failed [rc = 1]
21:22:48.736 - INFO: Output line 40:
21:22:48.810 - INFO: Output line 41: Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_XXX_hdblcm_update_2024-08-06_21.16.27/hdbupd.log' on host 'xxxxxxxxxx'.
- HANA 2.0
Cannot create SecureStore,Found value 'cryptography/ssfs_key_file_path' = '$(DIR_GLOBAL)/hdb/security/ssfs' in layer 'Default' , KBA , HAN-LM-UPG-DB , Upgrade of HANA Database , Problem
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