SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3506296 - Missing CSRF Token for the request URI


The error below occurs when a Manager or an alternate manager withdraws the class registration for subordinates.

Error :

Please report the following error to your system administrator:

Missing CSRF Token for the request URI: /user/common/


SAP SuccessFactors Learning 2405

Reproducing the Issue

1. Enroll the user to class

2. Login to BIZX as a Manager

3. Navigate to My Learning

4. Select My Teams or HRBP

5. Select the subordinate-> Search the item-> Click Dropdown-> View Registration-> Click 'Withdraw' -> An error "Missing CSRF Token for the request URI: /user/common/" occurs


This is identified as a defect.


The engineering team has addressed the issue, and it is planned to fix through the version "B2411".

Temporary Workaround :

To withdraw registration/waitlist from the class, the user can either self withdraw or admin can do it from the admin console.


Missing CSRF Token for the request URI, user/common/, manager unable to withdraw the class registration for subordinates , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-SCH , Class - Scheduled Offerings , Known Error


SAP SuccessFactors Learning 2405