SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3506723 - [Known Regression] An error message "Document: Usage task BLOCK_AUTO_POSTING: No corresponding formula found." and a warning message "Automatic posting block does not work." show when creating the billing document


When creating the billing document from the preceding document, an error message "Document : Usage task BLOCK_AUTO_POSTING: No corresponding formula found." and a warning message "Automatic posting block does not work." shows.

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SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In the configuration activity "Define Formulas for Flexible Billing Document Posting (ID:103883)", there is a formula in use which do not contain the usage task "BLOCK_AUTO_POSTING" in the "Formula Tasks" view.
  2. Set the "Automatically post billing documents" option to ON in the billing settings in the "Create Billing Documents" app.
  3. Then create the billing document from a preceding document, an error message "Document : Usage task BLOCK_AUTO_POSTING: No corresponding formula found." and a warning message "Automatic posting block does not work." show.


Regression issue.


The error message and the warning message show improperly, the issue will be fixed in the Hotfix Collection HFC04.

Even though the error message and the warning message show, there is no impact of the business process. If there is no need to enable the usage task "BLOCK_AUTO_POSTING" in CPF usage task in the configuration activity "Define Formulas for Flexible Billing Document Posting (ID:103883)", no action is needed regarding the messages, just ignore them. 

See Also

SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition, 2-System Landscape & SAP Marketing Cloud – Upgrade & Maintenance Schedule

SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition, 3-System Landscape – Upgrade & Maintenance Schedule


2408, Document: Usage task BLOCK_AUTO_POSTING, No corresponding formula found, Automatic posting block does not work, create billing documents, automatically posting billing documents, Define Formulas for Flexible Billing Document Posting, 103883 , KBA , SD-BIL-IV-2CL , Processing Billing Documents (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2408