SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3506741 - The requisition cannot be closed because the system administrator has not specified a value default requisition closed status - Recruiting Management


  • Unable to automatically close job requisitions when number of remaining openings is less than one.
  • Error: "The requisition cannot be closed because the system administrator has not specified a value default requisition closed status. Please notify your system administrator."

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SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Move a candidate to Hired status.
  2. A dialog pops up "When you complete this action there will be no openings remaining on this requisition and the requisition will be closed. Do you want to proceed?"
  3. Click on OK.
  4. An error is displayed "The requisition cannot be closed because the system administrator has not specified a valid default requisition closed status. Please notify your system administrator."


The default closed status configured for the Automatic Closure of Requisition feature has been removed and is currently set to "No Selection".

This occurs if the Value "99999" has been removed from the picklist setting.


Step 1: Configure a default job requisition closed status through Picklist Center.

  1. Go to Admin Center > Picklist Center.
  2. Open the picklist associated with the job requisition status field.
  3. Choose a status as the default closed status and edit it.
  4. Set the Value to "99999" and save it.

If the Value field is invisible or not editable, follow steps on the implementation guide to enable it - Configuring Requisition Hold Status and Closed Status Using MDF Picklists.

Step 2: Configure the Automatic Closure of Requisition feature.

  1. Go to Admin Center > Manage Recruiting Settings > "When number of remaining openings becomes less than one Automatically close requisitions with status"
  2. Select the closed status from the dropdown and save it.

See Also


RCM, Job Req, Close, Automatic, Picklist Center, Closed Status, MDF Picklist, Automatic Closure of Requisition, number of openings, Hired, Candidate, Application , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-JOB , Job Postings & Requisitions , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions