SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3507122 - Data difference between SuccessFactors APIs and Manage Pending Hire page


You are getting data using SuccessFactors APIs (based on any API protocol) and noticed that there is a data difference between the records retrieved and the Manage Pending Hire (MPH) page.


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite


This happens because the SuccessFactors APIs get data from the database, while the MPH gets data from Onboarding (via mapping) and/or Business rules (set under Manage Business Configuration) and/or Calculated Fields (e.g. Seniority Date) (set in the background). Therefore, the values may match, but not necessarily.

The data displayed in MPH is only applied in the database after the conclusion of the (Re)Hire process (Submit in MPH). Only some core fields, like startDate and originalStartDate, are applied in the database before the conclusion of the (Re)Hire process.

NOTE.: There may be old employment data in the database for onboardees who were hired in the past, but were not Rehired yet.


Expected behavior.


data, difference, discrepancy, between, SuccessFactors, APIs, odata, sfapi, CE, Manage Pending Hire, MPH, page, feature , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-ODATA , OData API Framework , LOD-SF-INT-API , API & Adhoc API Framework , LOD-SF-EC-HIR , Hire & Rehire Wizards , LOD-SF-INT-CE , Compound Employee API , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions