SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3507259 - Pending time sheet workflow requests not approved on the Approval Date in Time Recording Calendar


Approval Date is configured in Time Recording Calendar, and the Time Recording Calendar is also assigned to Time Recording Profile properly. And correct Processing User with sufficient workflow approval permission is also properly assigned in the Time Recording Calendar.

However, the pending time sheet approval workflow requests are not approved on the approval date, for the employees configured with the Approval Date in Time Recording Calendar through Time Recording Profile.

This happens for the time sheet workflows with multiple levels of pending approval. 
This does not happen for the time sheet workflows with only one level of pending approval.


SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking


This is a known issue which is under fix procedure.

The symptom happens when the time sheet approval workflow has multiple level of approvals configured, and there are still more than one level of approval pending for time sheet workflow requests on the approval date. 


The fix is worked on now, and we would try to deliver the fix with 2405p21 (Sep 10 for Preview, Sep 12 for Production) at the earliest.
But due to complexity of the scenario, the above planned fix delivery date is subject to change.

Before the fix is delivered, please consider whether it is possible to simplify the time sheet approval workflow, so that there is only one level of approval configured. 

See Also

Calendar-Based Automatic Approval of Pending Time Sheet Workflow Requests


ECT-240460, time, recording, profile, calendar, submission, approval, auto, automatic, TIM-37649, 2405, 2H, 2024, workflow, request, item, wfl, final, PTCH-44648 , KBA , LOD-SF-TTR-TMS , Time Sheet , LOD-SF-EC-WFL , Workflows - Configuration, Tools, Objects & Rules , Known Error


SAP SuccessFactors Time Tracking all versions