- An attempt is made to try and remove a node via the hdblcm tool from a scaleout HANA system, however the operation fails and the 'hdbmodify_removehosts.log' & 'hdblcm.log' log files show the following error :
Enter comma-separated list of selected indices: 8
Current SAP HANA Database System landscape does not allow removal of the provided hosts
Host: remove-reorg for volume <id>=failed
- Indexserver traces show the following :
[200094]\{237111\}[252/36170102129] 2024-08-01 15:37:44.975037 e LandscapeReorg Location.cpp(00344) : There are still 639527 LOBs for table 'Schema':'Tablename' on 'Host':'Port'
[200094]\{237111\}[252/36170102129] 2024-08-01 15:37:44.975079 e LandscapeReorg Location.cpp(00344) : There are still 640138 LOBs for table 'Schema':'Tablename' on 'Host':'Port'
[200094]\{237111\}[252/36170102129] 2024-08-01 15:37:44.993747 e LandscapeReorg Location.cpp(00354) : Actual counted 1279665 LOB-Files on 'Host':'Port'. Host is not empty.
SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
KBA , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , Problem
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